Also titled: The Beginner's Guide to Writing Knitting Patterns
This book is a guide to writing knitting patterns: how to translate your great knitting project into a set of instructions that any other knitter can follow.
Kate provides concrete guidelines, with lots of examples, on topics including :
- what information needs to be included in a knitting pattern
- how to properly and clearly communicate sizing and measurement information
- what schematics are, why you need them, and how to create them
- how to use charts and written instructions to express special pattern stitches like cables and lace
- stitch nomenclature (especially related to cables), abbreviations, and glossaries -how to handle multiple sizes and versions
- use of brackets and * to indicate repeats
- how to establish a personal style sheet And much, much more. So much more!
Kate discusses technical editing and test knitting – explain what they are how, why they’re important, and when they need to be done. Kate gives tips for designers who wish to self-publish, and for those preparing submissions to a publication.